Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Who the hell are you and what is this about?

Hey team. I'm Eleanora, a 26 year old woman who was raised to have no respect for the religions of the world. I am/have been/was a self-proclaimed agnostic, but I have decided to challenge myself to find deeper meaning in life by pursuing the religious dream.

How many times have we been asked to find Jesus? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm on the hunt. I don't know why he's hiding, but who am I to tell a deity he shouldn't be playing hide-and-seek?

Over the next few months I intend to test drive one mainstream religion or denomination per calendar month. I hope to dedicate myself to the religion fully, so that I can know I gave the search for Jesus my best shot. Just for kicks I also hope to give Jesus a break and pursue other religions, such as Judaism or Buddhism.

I hope you'll come along for the ride. As fair warning, my posts will be uncensored, and unedited. I want to lay down the truth as I see it, in all it's dirty glory. What's in it for you? Hopefully a little entertainment, a little something to think about, and the chance to witness me become enlightened.

Join me February 1 as I kick off The Month That Is: Catholicism.


  1. This sounds like it'll be a fun blog. I look forward to reading it!
    If you're gonna count catholicism as one thing and not do christianity as a whole, then you'll also have to look into lutherans, mormons, menonites, amish, j's witnesses, suni and shiite muslims, hinduism, sikhism, orthodox judaism, conservative judaism, reform judaism, reconstructionist judaism, bahai, druze, neo-paganism...
    (As an orthodox jew it pisses me off when people write off all of judaism because they think reform judaism is bull. You can't judge a whole religion by a sub-group. You have to judge each sub-group on its own.)

  2. That's the plan, although I won't promise to go into *every* denomination. But I have thought about Mormonism, Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Jehovah's Witness-ism, etc. Right now I'm still researching what options are available to me in my town (and as such, I will be limited to the options available here).

    Clearly, given my examples above, I'm more familiar with sub-groups of Christianity than other religions- which is why I plan to spend the next couple weeks researching what's available around me and learning more about the differences so I have at least some idea what I'm talking about!

    Thanks for weighing in :)
